Municipal Water Filtration

1. What are the main purposes for water filtration?
2. Explain how is water diverted from Shoal Lake to the treatment plant in Winnipeg.
3. How many litres of water are transferred from the Lake on a daily basis?
4. Where is water kept before going into the filtration plant for processing?
5. How many litres of water are stored in the four reservoirs outside the plant?
6. NOT IN THE VIDEO: Find the population of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
7. How long will the 8.8 billion litres last before Winnipeg uses it up?
8. Jot down two facts about the filtration plant you find impressive (i.e. cost, equipment inside).
9. How much water can be treated on a daily basis?
10. Explain the purpose of Sulphuric Acid in the filtration process.
11. Explain the role of Ferric Chloride at this stage in filtration.
12. Explain all important steps that occur in the flocculation basins.
13. What is removed from the top and bottom of the flocculation tanks?
14. Explain the three key roles of "ozonation."
15. Explain how ozone is created.
15. How is excess ozone removed?
16. Explain all important steps that occur in the carbon filtration tanks.
17. Explain the purpose of the chlorine contact chamber.
18. What is the purpose of adding sodium hydroxide?
19. Explain how the final disinfection step works (i.e. - UV).
20. Explain the purpose of adding fluoride to water.
21. What is the purpose of orthophosphate addition?
22. Briefly explain how the materials removed through previous filtration steps are handled.
23. Briefly explain how frequently water is tested and filtered.
24. Read the infographic on how Toronto filters its water. Which steps are similar? Which are different?

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