Introduction to Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency
Introduction to Mechanical Advantage and Levers List five things machines do. (p 8) A machine is a _______________ made of one or more _______________ that work together to accomplish a task. (p. 8) Describe the subsystems a can opener is made of and what the role of each subsystem is. (p. 8/figure 2) Explain what a mechanism is. (p. 8) In your own words, explain what a self-correcting control is. (p. 9) Explain what a lever is. (p. 10) Give four or five real-world examples of levers. (p. 10) Explain why are levers useful. (p. 10) Levers are broken down into three types. List them. (p. 10) Give one or two real-world examples for each type of lever. (p. 10/11/figure 1/2/3) All levers require a fulcrum, load force and effort force. Explain what each of these are. (p. 10) Make a quick sketch of a Class I, Class II and Class III level. Neatly label the fulcrum, effort force and load force on each diagram you made. Also label the load arm and ...