
Showing posts from October, 2017

Scientific Method / Intro to Lab Reports / Rotocopters

*Quick reminder that our unit test will be on Tuesday November 7, 2017 (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Organelles, Photosynthesis, Microscopes, Scientific Method). I will post some study hints next week.... *Rotocopters/Scientific Method Lab Report is due to Mr. Mak by Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Rotocopter Mini-Lab Report – Introduction to Using the Scientific Method 1.      Briefly explain what the Scientific Method is. 2.      List the key steps in the Scientific Method. 3.      Write out the Question or Problem you will be investigating. 4.      Write down the Hypothesis/Prediction of what you think will happen for each of your new rotocopter designs. *Include one hypothesis per Rotocopter design (i.e. - you need two hypotheses) 5.      List all Materials you will need. 6a)      Write out the Procedure you will follo...

Transmission vs. Scanning Electron Microscope / Intro to Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems

*If you did not complete these in class, you may sign out the "mini-textbook" for one evening *Due to Mr. Mak by Tuesday, Oct 31! -Read pg. 17 + answer #2,3,4 -Read pg. 18-19 + answer #3,4 -Read pg. 20-21 #1,2,3,4 -Read pg. 32-33 + answer #1,2 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) *For any budding Scientists at JSB, there is a FREE weekly lecture I highly recommend checking out with your family. The information is linked below: fall-2017-rciscience-talks/

Animal, Plant and Bacteria Cell Organelles Review and Mini-Project

-Using the website link below, complete the tutorial, then try the games for animal, plant and bacteria cells until you reach 100%! -Review all organelle functions for a quiz next class and take note of key differences between the three cell types Organelles Mini-Project -Due to be handed-in (description and illustration) and presented (google slides) in two classes -Choose one plant, animal or bacteria cell organelle - In your own words , briefly write a description of its function on a cue card and into google slides (what it does in the cell, and whether it is found in animal, plant or bacteria cells) -Include four microscope (i.e. - real-life images) NOT illustrations of the organelle (add these to your google slides description, along with references) -Make a sketch of the organelle you have chosen including all key features inside it (and label them) -Make your sketch proportional to the cell out...

Tuesday October 3 - Photosynthesis

*Please make sure you have completed all recent work (cell theory questions, organelle questions, animal/plant organelle worksheet and photosynthesis questions by Tuesday, October 10. Be sure to SHOW Mr. Mak when you are done). If you are absent for athletics or illness, it is your responsibility to use the website to catch up.) Learning Goals 1) Explain what photosynthesis is and why it is important for life on Earth. 2) Know and be able to explain the "word equation" for photosynthesis. 3) Give a simple explanation of how and where photosynthesis takes place inside plant cells. The middle of the video below show what cells undergoing photosynthesis actually look like: Bonus: More advanced video for those interested Photosynthesis Questions (Use the Ted Ed video to complete these)